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a Mench 3m Doing a bit of everything.
- Rillem 7m
- adrognik 25s
- Hivemind 1h
- Gragulon 1h
- RedProtokoll 4s
- XLearnToAcceptX 8s
- LemonHateClub 31s
- Wonderland 1m
- Bruhlicious 1s Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- Meat 3s
- QueenZombean 9s
- Sivartas 44s
- Fishmonger 14m
- Enven 3s
- Komira 2m
- deskoft 3h
- Napoleon 34m
- Slyter 5h
And 37 more hiding and/or disguised

cell phones
Automated @idea from in-game

@idea from Eve

cell signal varience depending on certain conditions such as location and weather. Say it's really rainy or snowy outside, phones wont cut through that very well if at all. or if you are say in sewers or deep within the city.

But roughly 100 years in the future, wouldn't signals be better by then? Just a thought...
Especially considering how Pac-West would bitch at Skywatch for dicking with the weather if it interfered with their signal. I can smell the lawsuits from here. They smell like mothballs, glue and new shoes.

For all singals may be better, who's going to be rigging relays and antenna for sewer coverage and such? Plus, how many gangers, thugs, anarchists, phreakers, base jumpers, scavengers, etc, etc would be stealing, damaging, tampering or otherwise messing with stuff set up to cover red? Cell coverage should probably be about as reliable as SIC coverage, give or take a little. There's funky signal strength, frequancy coverage and frequency jamming stuffs in various states of completion already in the game. I imagine they're "on the list".
Well, the relays could be setup by AVs on the underside of the platform above, keeping all gangs without AVs, rocket packs or superpowers from dicking with them.
Except for those people who might try to live on the underside of the platforms ;)
but wouldn't people living on the underside of the platform not want to vandalise the neighboring �transmitters and receivers? at least not in an obvious way.

you live in a �driftwood" hovel/mansion strapped to the nooks, crannies, cables and probey-things-with-lights-on-em hanging from a platform hundreds of meters above ground... if you can survive and live up there i don�t think you�d be doing anything to signal your presence by making repair crews come visit your back yard. it would be a bit counter productive to interfere with the actual signal equipment itself (piggy backing on it would be another thing entirely :P) *shrug* maybe i�m too practical.

TAFKAR, though good point on the scavengers and such, you�d think people living up there would frown on that ...
*pictures the fun turf wars waged on a ceiling*

but yes... maybe a wee bit of cell interference from people on red themselves? so frequency jamming stuff is already floating around in the game code? nifty. maybe interference not due to the domes weather but special materials (fucon! the concrete of the future!) or maybe something like a pricey frequency jamming doohicky that can be obtained for large quantities of your first born.

cells are too reliable for a crime infested place like the dome.

*pets �the list�* yesh! you�re a cute list.. yesh yesh you �are-!
*glances around*
uhm... sorry 'bout that, i blame the spring cleaning fumes...

(Edited by Bias at 5:17 pm on April 19, 2003)