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- Slyter 1m
- BigBiscuit 8s
- Naya 1s
- Enven 15m
- Knyghtskye 19s
- AdamBlue9000 22m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
a Mench 8h Doing a bit of everything.
- Fishmonger 14s
And 15 more hiding and/or disguised

Incentivize Roleplay

So a lot of the perceived issues with this game imo can be summed up in one three words lack of role play. You have the PCs that have played a long time who hang with their group on gold or green or where ever and ignore new players. Then you have new players clueless about what to do walking around aimlessly trying to find something worthwhile.

Ive been playing for a few days now and i can say that most of this game is boring. I haven't had any fights or even run into many players. The few players i have talked to are all nice and we rp but then i go back to my boring existence of wandering around looking for something to do.

My proposal is that the devs find someway to incentivize role playing. maybe every time you interact with another player you get xp? Or maybe you can only reach certain goals by having another player help you. The devs need to do something soon otherwise this game is going to be as dead as a doornail.

As someone who's played for a while longer than you, but is still a newer player, I can safely say..

Roleplay is the biggest focus of this game. I'm constantly talking with someone and when I'm not I'm intentionally keeping my roleplay figure minimal, just afking while I do other stuff so I can get SICs from my IC friend group. You're incentivized to roleplay. You're punished if you don't. You're just not putting active effort into reaching out to other characters, as that's the biggest thing you need to do in your first week, otherwise you flounder and your character is borderline dead in the water.

Without initial connections, you're going to struggle later on. Trust me, I speak from experience.

Conversations on sic are cool and yes i do agree you need to actively seek out connections but it just seems to me the world doesn't feel very alive.

I go into a bar and there's only a NPC bartender and no one else. i guess im not complaining so much about a lack of personal RP then about a lack of it generally in the world. We should be seeing people walking the streets talking etc.

No, we uh, we shouldn't.

Withmore as a setting is incredibly dangerous. Most people aren't going to be talking in the streets because they'd get stabbed, or shot, or mugged, unless it's Gold or Green or Blue. Red? No way.

Conversations on sic are cool and yes i do agree you need to actively seek out connections but it just seems to me the world doesn't feel very alive.

I go into a bar and there's only a NPC bartender and no one else. i guess im not complaining so much about a lack of personal RP then about a lack of it generally in the world. We should be seeing people walking the streets talking etc.

that is true. I don't know the world just feels fake to me. Maybe i haven't played enough yet.

I apologize if it turns out I'm barking up the wrong tree here but what you describe reminds me of my early experience. The problem I had was a mismatch of what I was expecting and how the game works. I wrote a guide a bit ago describing how to step away from all the 'walking about and looking for things to do'. It's not perfect and if might not match your situation (though I suspect it might to some degree). I hope it might help though!

The city streets in basically ever sector are packed to the brim with people in terms of theme and descriptions, but there is a certain limit to the amount of reasonable random player interaction one is going to have when there is 20-70 players available to fill out those virtual spaces. Sindome is actually one of the most consistently populated roleplaying games of its kind, and has been so for quite a while, but text gaming in general is a still a very niche genre and roleplaying intensive games even moreso.

There are many (not always immediately obvious) incentives to get involved with other players, but it will require some effort to go out and engage with players to do so. Bars and clubs and the like are natural gathering places compared to the streets, and you can speak to an NPC bartender to ask them where the party is to help find more players.

I would not expect to be going around and getting in random fights though, except for some archetypes that is more of a MUD type gameplay whereas Sindome tracks more to realism so most characters are not seeing casual daily combat of that sort, although there are exceptions for the players who are interested in that type of thing.

Still there is certainly room to discuss how character progression works and get feedback about it.

Grey0 That looks cool ill check it out. I probably just need to play more and get the feel of everything.

Maybe a overall guide would help more. i know theres @newbie etc but i mean something overarching that covers everything about the game.
It's been long enough I actually forgot about it, but there are actually experience bonuses for new characters for discovering things and using different actions or game mechanisms for the first time. You might notice these PLAY TIPs popping up here and there, and it's fun to discover as many as you can as a way of learning about the game world and the different types of gameplay (some still elude me).
I think a hard obstacle for you to tackle, Mark, at least from trying to help you on gamehelp etc is that, despite you complaining about this and that and a solution is given, you usually just say you're too lazy to do anything about it. You need to put in effort just like others do, and if you go around saying you don't care enough to put in any effort, you're going to stay bored because people dont tend to play with people who don't care. Attitude is just as much an incentive to play with someone as it is a deterrent for others.