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Reset Red Apartments to 'Shitty'
Stop that gentrification creep...

The problem as I see it? Over time the room descriptions of apartments in the mix slowly creep to the higher end of what's allowed in the mix. Why? Because once changed, they generally stick unless another character redecorates.

Given the number of apartments, the tenancy for some apartments to be more desirable and how long the game has been running, many mix apartments have had at least one wealthy mixer with means living in it. This well off mixer sometimes invests in the apartment and makes it as nice as one can in the mix. Staff often allows it because that character has the means, pays the price or does the RP.

But now that is the new description for the apartment and lives on until someone redecorates and few will in any way that makes it worse.So over time, and the game has been around a LONG time, a lot of the apartments players get in the mix end up being pretty damn nice.

My proposed solution? When an apartment resets, set the room descriptions to some 'defaults' that are not riding the upper end of what the mix allows. And remove all player installed furniture. Just a reset back to what one would expect to find in that mix apartment.

I know that this would remove a lot of player contributed room descriptions but I personally think that the emphasis on theme is more valuable here than the need to preserve these descriptions. Further, this player contributed work can be replaced already with a new redecoration by another player.

Also, if there is no 'default room description' for the complex or if one prefers a bit more flavor, crowd source it. If a pad doesn't have an approved default description, give players a way to submit one. Then staff can review it like a normal redecoration request and, if approved, save it as that apartment room's default. Now when an apartment is reset, the rooms revert to these crowdsourced default descriptions.

Though my main concern here are mix apartments, one could clearly do the same to all apartments. I personally just see less need for it on topside apartments.

Oh. Maybe also reset the kitchenette's menu to a shitty default upon apartment reset if that's possible and one is present as a part of the build.

Not sure how I feel about the rest of it, but any ripped out furniture should go to the markets if it's taken out of evicted apartments.
I would like if it reset too, but it would be nice if there was a way to transfer an apartment lease to another person in case someone wanted to pass on their nifty customized pad. Then you might actually have room for pc apartment brokers and stuff.

It may be a lot of work for builders to reset things - maybe it could be automated somehow though. Dunno.

Papertiger, there is a way. You have to find out who IC, but helpfiles state there are IC means to transfer leases.

I also wholly disagree with erasing player contributions to the game. Whether you think it's to your theme of the mix or not, you can still have a nice place in a slum. Just because I live in Red does not mean I need to decorate my walls with my own feces and add light through the walls with bullet holes. I've lived in some bad places, and made the best of it. If we were encroaching Green level decor, the redec would not have been approved. There are checks and balances.

That's what I'm suggesting too papertiger. Add a prop to these rooms to hold the 'default' description then it's just about adding an extra couple lines of code on the reset verbs. Or similar. Round abouts.

Biggest effort on the builders is setting up a 'default' for each room but that is also why I suggested adding a couple commands to allow players to submit possible default room descriptions that staff can choose to use. This would take a bit more code work but I suspect a lot of the code on the redecoration verbs can be used for this, slightly altered.

I 100% would prefer to see this be an automated system, to the largest extend possible.

As a side note... What would this actually do for the gameplay that is positive? All I hear are your concerns of how you don't like what some rooms look like. Is the room decor actually preventing you from being themely? Or do you just want to create a solution to a problem that isn't actually a problem, and hasn't been for a long time?

I don't think this is worth the code bloat just to satisfy your specific vision for how other people should play. I know you would prefer to automate the total trashing of rooms to some stock, repeated copy paste of every other room, but did you stop to think that these rooms were redecorated and approved by builders to add some differing flair to the game? I again think this is a terrible idea to go and do this. It's no little effort for builders, there's almost a hundred rooms they'd have to overhaul with several variations for the only reason of you like it more, when you aren't even going to be seeing 90% of these rooms anyway.

If I had to play and every single room was a stock stamped out copy of the last, I feel like something special this game has compared to others would just die.

There's a distinct and facinating feeling one gets when they enter an online, virtual space that was crafted by someone who for all intents and purposes is 'dead', like walking through one of those houses preserved exactly how they were. It's a strange kind of nostalgia. I really really get what you're getting at. Theme is sooo important, and Mix needs to be Mix. would feel bad scrubbing all that stuff. The thing about the Kitchenette though, totally has my two .02 chyen, same with the transfering the lease. Just please don't scrub out all that cool old stuff.
Nah. The custom places are fun and some of them are pretty shitty, too. Westinghaus anyone?
Not to mention some spooky abandoned spots. Are we going to erase them to "You see a bed here. It is bad looking." too? If you "100% automate it" that leads to so much shit that can get absolutely fucked up, because 100% automation is not always a solution when it could break other game systems. I get you want red to be shitty, but you don't need to make the game shitty by extension
Resetting all of the apartments just sounds like making a ton more work for both players and builders. Walking into a new apartment and seeing it's just the same lifeless, default description as tons of other apartments sounds horrible. Redecorating is quite a bit of work, and if everyone has to redecorate if they don't want to live is a characterless default apartment, then it's just gonna be annoying instead of enjoyable. Players are discouraged from drastically changing already decorated apartments to preserve some of what previous players have done. It makes no sense to just get rid of it all.

If you want a shitty place to live with a default description and no personalization, there's always the cube hotels.

Also, Emily, if a player spends time and chy redecorating... This mechanism will just erase all of that work the second their rent runs out, whether by accident or not. Thus, why even redecorate if it all just disappears immediately as soon as you leave it? This does not encourage any player creativity
You are 100% right that this is completely about me seeking a certain feel I think is more appropriate to the the mix Robotdogfighter. I do feel that there are too many apartments in red that have room descriptions that may have fit that rich as hell top level syndicate member who put tons of chyen into the redecorations five years ago but probably wouldn't look still like that five years and fifty poor tenants later. For some, this is fine and good. I just have a different opinion. This is all completely based on my opinion and preferences.

Also, I am not saying that we instantly wipe all the current room descriptions. I further suggested that a system be put in place to allow players to contribute in the creation these default room descriptions which, in theory, would last a lot longer than the room descriptions we have now which can be changed pretty easily by anyone who rents the a place. I can say that if I were to try and submit new default room descriptions, I would base them heavily on what is already there. Just shittier.

As far as 'code bloat' goes, what I suggest really isn't a ton of code. Mostly it's probably the addition of few one liners added to existing reset code code and some refactoring of the redecoration code to serve two purposes. I bet someone more experienced with moo coding than me could get the core of this done with twenty or less added lines of code. Of course, staff would know better than I me on this matter.

I am not saying that this is something staff would want to do. it's just an idea that they might or might not like. Either way is fine with me. I personally like the idea and feel it would help with the theme of the mix bit I fully admit it's not going to be a huge deal if things keep on as is.

This is largely an idea that came to me as I read over numerous comments on other threads and on other channels regarding the mix not feeling poor enough. What is, in my mind, a possible way to address that to some degree in a way that is as low impact on staff as I could personally come up with.

Maybe for that case where someone rents an apartment from a previous rich tenet, there's a redec option to strip out some stuff and resell it, so it adds an even deeper level.
I am personally a fan of custom spaces, it tells a lot about a character. It tells a lot about a space and the history there. I think players editing on top of a space could do a lot with respecting whats there.

I do, however like the really shitty places. [Good ol' Westinghouse] I think they can add a lot to a character's story and journey living in a place thats just a mattress on the floor, bullet hole riddled walls, and old graffiti, and then move away from there or improve the space themselves by cleaning it up and turning into something, if that is the characters journey to be or live as something more.

I do think, however after time, abandoned or unowned spaces should deprecate. Squatters moving in and trashing the place or taggers painting up the walls.

Sadly I don't think there is a way you could automate that kind of depreciation and still respect what was there without overtaxing volunteer work of builders who would probably want to focus on other things.

Just my 2 cents though.

I don't think this is in any way low impact. Not only on staff, but even on game enjoyment. This seems very high impact, if you're intending to replace these longstanding descs with "some one liners"

Again. Just because you think it's themely to make everything shitty does not mean that we need to make gameplay shitty for everyone else for your sole enjoyment. I don't think this is a healthy fix for theme when again 90% of the time, you're not going to be in these flats. Why do we all have to hate playing for -you- to have more enjoyment?

Trying to play this off as some simple easy little fix is really downplaying the massively negative effect this will have on all the effort builders and players have put in for over 20 years to make this game have the life and diversity it has in its rooms today

I don't recall saying to 100\% automate it. Or to apply one line ugly room decorations. Or that all the apartments had to have the same default room description. Maybe I'm not communicating clearly.

I am suggesting that apartments fall back to a default room description. It could be for the complex or for the room itself. I never said they needed to be something like, 'You see a bed here. It is bad looking." I even suggested a mechanism to crowd source this out so players can contribute the kind of great room descriptions we have now, just more fitting to a room in the mix.

I apologize if my posts have been as unclear as they seem to have been. I hope this helps clarifies things.

Sorry for reposting so quick but I mean like. If someone inherits a rich as hell syndicate members pad in an apartment complex, they should for sure have the option to redec and get some of that back, stuff like "You can see where what once must have been a fancy light fitting has been ripped out of the wall, wires still hanging." or "You can see where heavy, expensive furniture has been hauled out by desperate hands". Adding on to way to bougie descriptions to make them less so should be encouraged. As in, monetarily.
"I 100% would prefer to see this be an automated system, to the largest extend possible."

We should not automate the systematic destruction of 20 years of player contributions for the enjoyment of one person who thinks the mix is too fun, also being the same person who prefers corporate play to mix play. This doesn't clarify anything. Why do we have to crowdsource curated room desks for hundreds of rooms when that already happened over the past two decades? Again, you have provided no real gameplay positive reason for this at all. Just that it would make you happier to see Red sector lose out on something special.

Yeah I'm getting at what Meat said, depreciation. Depreciation could be put into hands of the players, encouraged to create spaces with faded grandeur, only hints of the obnoxious displays of wealth they previously had.
I will ask that people read what I wrote and stop putting words into my mouth, I know that I never suggested that these descriptions be shitty one liners... At this point I will be happy to answer specific questions directed at me if anyone would like to better understand what I have in mind instead of just assuming things and declaring these assumptions to be my words or intent. Otherwise, I think I'll keep quiet on this.

Personally? I've seen mostly mid-level housing in Red. There's the occasional ones that are fancy, but they all been themely. There hasn't been places akin to Green, with literal gold trim that I've seen either.

There's also the fun bits of going "Hey, you're living at X! How's the fake windows and the shitty mattress, I remember that!" or hearing the stories about that.

Pretty much all 'standard' apartments can be redecorated back to stock or into something more in keeping with what a player feels is acceptable, the units that get preserved are generally the highly unique locations, and large pads and perma pads.

The limitation on this process has always been there isn't a lot of builders, but I've stripped back a few locations with unusual or excessive customizations and unless they were designated special locations whose descriptions are being preserved for some reason, they've always gone through eventually.

In response to Robotdogfighter's post directed at me:

"I 100% would prefer to see this be an automated system, to the largest extend possible."

Does not equal:

"I would prefer a a 100% automated system." I called out "To the largest extent possible."

Further I specified in the original post:

"If a pad doesn't have an approved default description, give players a way to submit one. Then staff can review it like a normal redecoration request and, if approved, save it as that apartment room's default."

How is getting staff approval for default room descriptions a part of a 100% automated system? I admit that I could have worded things better. I also can't help but feel like only some of what I wrote was read or even taken in.

Robot, please stop attacking the idea, or making claims that it's for one person's enjoyment. not fair.
I won't do it again.

As my main point, I still feel like creating a system that could potentially make decorating etc totally pointless is not conducive to a positive change in the entire theme of the game as a whole. I don't think these things should ever be automated, and think changing entire room or multi room descriptions through it can be very detrimental. Especially if it ever breaks down or just, again, makes anyone feel like "what's the point" when thinking about how their redecoration will just be reverted to a default value list once they move out. Why should I take time rping and redecorating a room for someone or myself just to have it go away if they ever get evicted? Is there anything in this that incentivizes that?

I feel like I may have come off a bit harsh in my previous responses too, so I'm sorry about that. I'll try to think of alternatives or compromise rather than just shutting the idea down completely.

I feel like this problem is something that can be fixed without needing to paint broad strokes. Maybe there can be some encouragement for players who think that their apartment description is unthemely to submit a service request so it can be reviewed by staff and either altered to look more themely or reset to default if it's not worth keeping.

I don't think it's the greatest idea. Mostly because I hate losing the history as a relatively new player, but also because you'd strip the shittier places too. The variety of Westinghaus would be gone, as an example. The lived-in feel brings a lot more in my opinion than cookie-cutter apartment complexes.

Maybe sample size is an issue too? I haven't seen any Green-level apartments in Red. I've seen them still have barred windows, or it's a hole cut into the wall. Graffiti, etc. The fanciest I've seen, without discussing specifics, was basically 'doing up' a pad but wasn't at all to that point.

Corporate apartments are fanciful, decorative, big panels of glass you can dim for windows, plush leather couches, massive sectionals. Come with free storage, free appliances, more windows and better views. Literal gold trim. Carpeting, bathtubs, offices, kitchens, goes on.

I think Emily's idea of it being something people can bring up case by case is a good one, versus automating to the detriment of an entire sector.


-I haven't seen any that fit this criteria, and would also adversely affect the worst of apartments if set to templates.

-Green apartments are extremely superior in quality, mechanically as well as style.

-Emily's idea of case-by-case seems like a good one.

I have a hard time rationalizing why a land lord would spend time and money to make an apartment less valuable or worthwhile post eviction.

I also understand the cyberpunk theme is dark and gritty, but the future doesn't mean you have to play into the box of a person who's forgotten how to take out your trash, make your bed, obtain furniture, do your dishes, and so on.

''Everything is achievable with enough money''

I get it, it's the mix, and some apartments (Don't know haven't seen any)

might be rich and big, sure tone that down. But it would be a huge undertaking by staff to reset and for builders to go and do default descriptions of every apartment as I bet (I could be totally wrong) they don't have original apartment desc from 20 years ago.

And sure I agree that one should stick to the theme, cyberpunk however while about low income and sticking it to the upper echelon, I feel like we are trying to go a step beyond poverty.

Not everyone is a slob that forgets cleaning, cheap plaster and paints exist. You would be surprised what you can make with so little, and we the players are kinda unique from the everyday in the alley shaking a can to get money. Sure some of us live in golden homes and some of us don't but not every apartment has to look like a total junkyard that collapsed during a nuclear war.

There is a point where you take out everything good and fun out of a game and then a game dies. Now we are all different and like different things that's why we are having a discussion, however blanket a thing across the board because it fits the theme over maybe fun? Sindome is all about give and take, dying over and over isn't fun, but sindome also gives, the fun in-between the chaos. It's a balance. My two cheyn.

You can make decent looking rooms from almost nothing and people leave decent furniture on the side of the road everywhere all the time because 'it's dirty / my brother fucked my wife on this thing / the dog shit on it / it's slightly broken and i don't feel like fixing it / ect'

Not to mention, junkyards DO exist. Don't forget that you can get more than what you just find 'codedly available' in places. There's probably tons of broken shitty stuff lying around, shattered progia (the rare ones that actually break), broken teevees, old mattresses, abandoned clothing and scraps, stolen shopping carts, old, worn down, or broken pallets, old toys, decrepit furniture with a funky smell, bodypillows of Judges, busted toasters, microwaves, ovens. Tires that are so smooth they're useless for cars but can be made into neat little chairs, tables with a wonky leg that'll work just fine if you put a brick under one side. The passenger seat out of 2086 Pontiac Bugleberry you've converted into your Decking chair. Be creative, not restrictive. Let people tell a story with their rooms and when those rooms are moved on, let them alter them to make their own little story too.

Not to be a downer, but some of those things would run afoul of the modern description guidelines. There were rule-bendy/breaky places grandfathered in but generally the directive is nothing in the description that could be interpreted as typically interactable, or things characters would reasonably want to pick up, or anything decorative that should reasonably be an actual coded furniture or art object.

It's generally best to keep the actual room as minimalist spatial as possible and load the decorative, fill-out elements into the art/furniture/functional objects that populate the description after the baseline. But there's official guidelines in help redecorate.

I don't have anything in-depth or constructive to add to this, and only skimmed most of the posts, but just wanted to chime in and say that I love discovering apartments with player-written descriptions and think they add a lot more to the game than they take away from theme, which I don't agree is an issue in the first place.

Having stumbled into a few of such apartments myself over the years, it's FUN to read and envision something other than the base mass-produced descriptions big complexes share, and get a glimpse at what the previous occupant may have been like or ask a chum and get a story about so and so who lived there. It's immersive.

I agree with everyone who has said that the custom desced apartments add to the game. What @nymphali wrote resonates most strongly with me. It has always been a treat to read the descriptions and get a glimpse into how other people perceive the theme and their environment.

Beyond that, it is a great way for characters to leave something behind in a world that is otherwise extremely transitionary and impermanent.